BTL-A4 Y-WingY-wing star Fighter
Length : 16 meters
Crew : 1 Pilot and 1 Astromech Droid
Cargo Capacity : 80 kg
Power Sytem :
Thiodyne O3-R Cryogenic Power Cells and Ionization Reactor
Propulsion System :
Two Koensayr R200 Ion Fission Engines (Rated at 250 KTU)
Flight Control System :
Subro NH-7 Flight Control Avionics Package
Hyperdrive :
Koensayr R300-H Motivator Drive Unit
Max Atmospheric Speed : 1,000 kph
Nav computer : yes
Navigation System : Astromech Droid, usually R2 Unit
Sensor System :
Fabritech Ans-5d Unit with one Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array model# PA-9r
One Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid model# PG-7u
Targettting Computer :
Fabritech Anc-2.7 Tracking Computer and SI 5g7 "Quickscan" Vector Imaging System
Weapons :
2 Taim & Bak KX5 Laser Cannons (Single or Fire-Linked)
2 ArMek SW-4 Ion Cannons (Single or Fire-Linked)
2 Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (4 Torpedoes each)
Other payloads can be: 20 Bombs or can be modified to hold 10 Proton Torpedoes
Counter Measures :
20 Chaff Bursts or 13 Flares
Shields/Armour :
Foward/Rear Projecting Chempat Shields
Titanium Reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull
Life Support Yes / Ejection System Yes?

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