YV-666 Light FreighterYV-666 Corellian Stock Light Freight/Hounds Tooth
Crew : 1
Weapons :
1 Retractable Lower Quad Laser Turret
1 Forward Concussion Missile Launcher (6 Missiles)
Special : Sensor Masking System. Redundant sensor and security systems can detect prisoner breakouts. Interior scanning system analyses all cargo brought onboard. Note that cargo holds are sensor-screened. X10-D Droid Brain which controls shipboard systems. The unit can respond to verbal commands and can regulate weapons, thrusters, atmosphere and security systems. It also allows the ship to be control from the bridge or Bossk's personal quarters. Docking Bay for interior scout ship Nashtah Pup, for use in emergency operations. This two man, short-range ship has almost no cargo space.

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