Tie Interceptor

Length:6.6 Metres
Crew : 1 pilot
Power Sytem : SFS I-s3a Solar Ionization Reactor
Propulsion System : SFS P-s5.6 Twin Ion Engines
Flight Control System : SFS F-s4 Flight Avionics System
Navigation System : SFS N-s6 Navcon Computer System
Targettting System : T-s9a Targeting Computer (Early version)
Atmospheric Speed : 1,250 kph
Four Wing Tipped SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
(Single, Double or Fire-Linked)
Atmospheric Range 2.5 km or
Two Chin Mounted Concussion Missile Launchers
(3 Missiles each)
Note: TIE Interceptor can be further modified to hold 12 Concussion Missiles.
If equipped with shields, 6 Concussion Missiles can be carried or a Beam Weapon.
There is no loss in performance with the added weaponry Weapons Modifications :
Two extra Laser Cannons can be added on the Chin hard points or Shields can be added
Or equiped with jamming beam, decoy beam, and tractor beam.
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