Tie D(roid)
Length : 6.6 meters
Droid Brain :
Advanced Cybot Galactica Ace-6 Fighter units
Power System :
SFS I-s3a Solar Ionization Reactor
Engines :
2 SFS P-s5 6 Twin Ion Engines
Maneuvering System : Two SFS P-w401 Ion Maneuvering Jets (Fed by Twin Ion Engine Array)
Atmospheric Speed : 12,000 kph
Sensors : Fabritech Sensor Arrays (2) Weapons :
2 SFS L-s1 Laser Cannon (Fire Linked) Shields/Hull : Titanium Hull with Quadanium Steel Armoured Solar Panels
(NOTE: That Admiral Zaarin was able to find a way to equip his TIE Fighters with shields. Also note that the performance of the shielded TIE Fighter was not affected)
Special Note : May be remotely controlles
Stats are compiled based upon Tie/ln and Tie Interceptor which this was a cross of components between.

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