Strike Attack Cruiser

Length: 450 meters
Crew : 2,112 Crew 1,972 + Gunners 140
Skeleton Crew : 800
Cargo Capacity : 6,000 tons
Troop Capacity :
340 Troops
1 AT-AT 2 AT-STs
Several Support Speeders
(Planetary Assault Cruiser mode for surgical deployment)
340 Troops 5 AT-ATs
20 Turbolasers (5 Forward, 5 Left, 5 Right, 5 Aft)
Atmospheric Range 150 km
10 Turbolaser Batteries (4 Forward, 3 Left, 3 Right)
Atmospheric Range 150 km
10 Ion Cannons (4 Forward, 3 Left, 3 Right)
Atmospheric Range 60 km
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (2 Forward, 3 Left, 3 Right, 2 Aft)
Atmospheric Range 30 km
Support Craft :
1 Squadron
(Note that the one squadron is carried if the cruiser is not configured to carry 5 AT-ATs)
3 Squadrons
[Strike Cruiser must be configured with 2 hanger bays]
(Note that most likely planetary equipment was removed to make room)
Shields/Hull : Standard

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