MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Length : 1,200 Metres
Crew :
5,402 Crew 5,156 + Gunners 246, Skeleton 1,230
Troop Capacity : 1,200 Troops
Cargo Capacity : 20,000 Metric Tons
Propulsion : TriLuna 400MGS Stardrive and Hyperdrive System
Weapons :
48 Turbolasers Batteries (12 Forward, 12 Left, 12 Right, 12 Aft)
(Atmospheric range 150 km)
20 Ion Cannon Batteries (8 Forward, 4 Left, 4 Right, 4 Aft)
(atmospheric range 100 km)
6 Tractor Beam Projectors (4 Forward, 1 Left, 1 Right)
(atmospheric range 60 km)
Shields :
Serridge SEAL Shielding System (dual shield system shields have to be knocked down twice)
Hull :
Reinforced Titanium Alloy Hull
Support Craft : 3 Starfighter Squadrons

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