Artistyc Rayite Artistyc Rayite
Login : Dynath Kajira
Height : 5'9
Weight : 150 lbs.
Age : 40 at death (800 at present)
Eyes : Brown
Hair Colour : Grey
Marital Status : Single
Species : Human
Home World : Coruscant
Dimension : Star Wars
Career : Trained as Jedi, now Jedissi Neutral Jedi
Family : Deceased
Weapons : He always carries an ancient projectile weapon. This weapon though out dated is his pride and joy. As with all jedi of his time he also carries a light saber.
Features :
Pail in color the thick three fingered man, was one of the first Arcan Jedi. He is most often seen in a pail blue tunic with silver runic designs on it. Always close by is a white trenchcoat that seems to be very important to him. When he appears in a spectral form he manifests as a vibrant blue nimbis of energy.

History :
Born to some of the first settlers of the planet Arcian he was raised in the time of the first republic. Trained to become a member of the council of balance he joined the group before the Sith war. Being the youngest of the council his strong will allowed him to hold out longer against the chaotic forces of the crystal. He is still strong with the force even though he has passed on. He clames to this day to have seen the day Yoda was selected as a padawan learner.

Personality :
Strong willed and determined he desires only to help those that can't help themselves. Open to new ideas he holds few secrets from those around him. He beleives that the power of the force is all that is needed to live a fullfilling life consiquently he veiws his life as being a rich one.

Weaknesses :
Sence he spends much of his time as a solid being he is extremly aware of physical pain. His will keeps himself going though and as with his fellow council member he can not be killed without first destroying his mind. Also he has weaknesses to silver and magic.

Standard disclaimer applies to all my charecters you know you can always think of new ways to hert and mame them if your into that sort of thing.

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